best practice for SPP

hello everybody, i just want to ask a simple thing:

which is the best practice to block any account on the target systems to avoid that they can go directly on a target system over safeguard?

rule in a firewall?

GPO on all target systems that don't permit access of any account over the accounts uploaded and used by safeguard?

is there a best way to close any kind of access on the target systems (windows and LINUX)

thanks a lot

  • Hi Dario,

    One way is If SPP manages the credentials of these privileged accounts then you can configure it so that SPP does not release the password but rather only allows session access to these assets via SPS with auto login rather than interactive login for example and therefore the user never has the password and can't login directly to a target system.

    We recommend customers to engage our Professional Services team for assistance with implementation or solution design.


  • Hello Tawfiq, yes, yes thank you and i know this configuration. In the specific i mean: But the specific point is: How can I restrict in a target system from accepting direct connections with accounts that are not managed by safeguard? (this helps me to prevent that even if an account is created on AD and uploaded in the target system, is not possible to use it to connect to that server because is not in safeguard) Maybe with a GPO on all target systems? or is there a best practice on this? thank you so much as always!! And have a great we!

  • Hello Tawfiq, yes, yes thank you and i know this configuration. In the specific i mean: But the specific point is: How can I restrict in a target system from accepting direct connections with accounts that are not managed by safeguard? (this helps me to prevent that even if an account is created on AD and uploaded in the target system, is not possible to use it to connect to that server because is not in safeguard) Maybe with a GPO on all target systems? or is there a best practice on this? thank you so much as always!! And have a great we!
