change pw for the accounts

specific case: if i open two sessions to access on two servers (with same account), and i have set "Change pw after Check-In", if i close one of the two session (i close one token) what happens to this account and to the other account opened yet? the pw will be changed after closing the first token on this account only? And what happens at the second account that i have opened yet? it will change the pw also on the second session? and it will be close the session on the second token?

  • Hi Dario,

    If I understood the scenario correctly:

    UserA requests ADAccount1 on Asset1
    UserA requests ADAccount1 on Asset2

    - ADAccount1 request on Asset1 is checked-in
    - Dashboard will show a Pending Password Reset state for the first request.
    - A Change password will trigger but task will fail with "Account is in use and cannot be modified at this time."
    - Password Change attempts will continue to try (Default is 50 retries max) because of the retry logic but will fail while second request is still active.

    - ADAccount1 on System2 is checked-in
    - Dashboard will show a Pending Password Reset state for the second request.
    - A Change password will trigger and now the password change will succeed for both requests.

    The above also assumes that the Password Change profile has this unchecked or disabled: Change the Password Even if a Release is Active
    - If this setting was enabled then the first request check-in will allow password change to succeed but this could cause an account lockout situation depending on the Account's lockout policy.
