windows license to deploy SPP

good morning at all.

i just need to know if it neede a windows Server license (for ex 2016) or Windows 10 LTSC license to deploy SPP.

so, for server or client license type in general?

thanks a lot

Parents Reply Children
  • I thought that the SPP appliances were platformed on the Windows 10 LTSC release.

    I have .deployed v6 SPP virtual machines on the Windows 10 LTSC version. Cannot speak to SPP v7 as I have not deployed yet.

    Tawfiq has provided a link above that states this version is still available and supported until 2029 

    As I remember the Windows 10 LTSC release is a lot cheaper than a server license as well

    If you want a definitive answer though as ever your best bet is to open a case with Support although I doubt their response will be different to that provided by Tawfiq.

    Good luck 
