SSL certificate on SPP appliances

referred to the KB How to generate and install a SSL web certificate from a Safeguard created "Web Certificate Request" (294210) ( i am asking to create an SSL certificate in order to secure the communication with the appliances and not to have the pop up on the SSL/TLS certificate appear. The only doubt is: do I ask for a single CSR and have a single certificate sent to me which I will then upload in safeguard and distribute on the other two appliances? Or do I have to create 3 CSRs for 3 certificates since there are 3 appliances?

  • HI Dario,

    You can use a single CSR and add the VIP address if any and the 3x Hostnames and 3x IPs of all SPP nodes in the cluster which will be set in the certificate as Subject Alternative Names.

    Once the certificate is uploaded into SPP then you can assign this single certificate to all 3 nodes.

    Make sure to upload the Root CA and any intermediate Certificates from the SSL certificate chain to the SPP Trusted Certificates section.


  • HI Dario,

    You can use a single CSR and add the VIP address if any and the 3x Hostnames and 3x IPs of all SPP nodes in the cluster which will be set in the certificate as Subject Alternative Names.

    Once the certificate is uploaded into SPP then you can assign this single certificate to all 3 nodes.

    Make sure to upload the Root CA and any intermediate Certificates from the SSL certificate chain to the SPP Trusted Certificates section.

