Safeguard integration with Defender


Can safeguard be integrated with defender?, So it can provide 2FA in one of 2 cases

1- login to safegaurd

2- login to SSH or RDP session using OTP Adding to Password authentication

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  • If you are using a Directory User to authenticate to SPP in the first step using AD password then there should be no need to have Defender enforce AD password again on the secondary authentication.

    You can have Defender handle the token response only as the second step by setting the Defender Policy on the SPP Access node to be Token only

    Unless there is another Defender policy on the Defender Security Server object that could be conflicting, you can remove the Defender policy from ADUC > Defender OU > Security Server > properties > Policy Tab > Clear it from here.

    You can create a new Defender policy that is Token only rather than (AD password followed by Token) and assign that to the SPP access node so that way you can have different Access nodes with different Defender policy requirements based on what you want to enforce for that access node endpoint.

  • Please what is the Defender one-time password number??

  • Defender OTP or One time password is just another name for the token response