Safeguard integration with Defender


Can safeguard be integrated with defender?, So it can provide 2FA in one of 2 cases

1- login to safegaurd

2- login to SSH or RDP session using OTP Adding to Password authentication

Parents Reply
  • Hi

    Hope you are doing fine.

    I have configure for one client  assurance company SPP 6.13 integration with Defender 6.1  2fa authentication for SPP's users following your instrction...good

    I tried the same configuration for bank  SPP 6.13 and Defender 6.14---error message '''access dinied -- no valide route''''  SPP and defender are in the same subnets..What can be the possible cause and how to solve it???

  • you can try disable of Push Notification in Defender and test again and may have to upgrade SPP as 6.13 version is out of support now.

    Defender push notifications can be disabled

    • To turn the notifications off, the user needs to manually create the following registry value at:

      Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\PassGo Technologies\Defender\DSS Active Directory Edition

      Value type: REG_DWORD

      Value name: PushOff

      Value data: 1