Domain account locked as per the windows policy


we have an issue in Safeguard where Domain account locked as per the windows policy after the lock out.

when we check with Windows team as per them if user left the SPS session it will be still use as disconnected session and need log off.

is there any option from safeguard to log off the session if user left the session as it is.

  • A locked account can't be used until you reset it or until the number of minutes specified by the Account lockout duration policy setting expires. You can set a value from 1 through 999 failed sign-in attempts, or you can specify that the account will never be locked by setting the value to 0.

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  • A locked account can't be used until you reset it or until the number of minutes specified by the Account lockout duration policy setting expires. You can set a value from 1 through 999 failed sign-in attempts, or you can specify that the account will never be locked by setting the value to 0.

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