SPS console access

Hi all,

it may even seem a stupid question but i hope you can sort this doubt of mine.

So when we first deploy SPS appliance on the virtual machine the IP address used to connect to it is the one set in the eth0 interface of the VM (if we changed the default one).

During the first setup using the wizard we configure the network again, inserting the IP address on the port 1. This IP is the one that we're going to use to connect to the Web console to configure the various connections.

And here is my doubt, does that IP override the previous one or do we have two different IP's to connect to the two different consoles?

For example:i had at the beginning, then i put as a configuration in the setup wizard. Now to connect to the web console i'm going to use the address, but what about the SSH console? Do i need to use the or the .2 address to connect via SSH? Or maybe is it only accessible via VM console?

Hope i was clear, thank you.


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