User creator Log in swagger UI


I have a question, how can I see the user creator (CreatedByUserDisplayName) as I extracted the report from swagger UI, however the CreatedByUserDisplayName is empty. Note that CreatedByUserId is -3 and there's no userid with -3.

is there any other way to extract these kind of reports.


  • Hi,

    User IDs with a negative number such as -3 means this is a built-in user such as "Automated System" rather than an actually created user.

    Where are you seeing the (CreatedByUserDisplayName)? 

    Please provide more details on what steps you have followed and which report endpoint you tried to extract?


  • Hello,

    thanks for your response, I made several reports first one is /v3/Users Gets a list of users this one used to view all the users and the full information (creation id, date, etc.)

    the other report /v3/Users/{id} Gets a single user I used it to view specifically for user -3  which I couldn't find any thing for that user. note that this information required for auditors and I couldn't find the information (creator for some users) which is -3 user. 

  • Yes the user id -3 means this user is a built-in user which exists by default such as the Local bootstrap admin account for example.

    All other created users will get a positive id number. negative id is reserved for built-in admin account


  • Thanks Tawfiq for your response however I can't receive any information when I try to get data from /v3/Users/{id} Gets a single user.

    also I'm sure I'm using my own account which id must be positive number ( note that I'm the only admin on our company ).

    is there any other way I could to retrieve information I need as the swagger is not giving me the full details.

  • I checked in my lab and found that the only userid that is built in is user id -2 which is the default local admin.

    However, userid -3 is showing null and I found that the users that were created by Userid as -3 are all directory users that were added via a directory group, therefore, in this case the Directory sync is the service that imported and created these AD users.

    So there is no existing user details for userid -3 because this is not an actual user and it will display the name as null in this case. Since this was an internal process such as directory sync is what created the users and not an actual user then no user details would exist for it.

    Hope that helps clarify it.