SPS - External indexer for multiples SPS nodes


We are building an SPS Cluster management with one central manager and 4 managed hosts

Is it possible to deploy one external indexer, for multiples SPS nodes ?

On the /etc/indexer/indexerworker.cfg external indexer's config file, we have one line with the ip adress from the managed host where we exported the indexer config

Is it possible to add multiples ip adress corresponding to multiples managed hosts ?

"service": {
"address": "x.x.x.x",
"port": 12345,
"ssl": {
"ca_certificate": "/etc/indexer/ca.pem",
"certificate": "/etc/indexer/worker.pem",
"enabled": true,
"private_key": "/etc/indexer/worker.key"

Thank you ! 

  • Hi Leo,

    There is a new feature in upcoming SPS version 7.1.1 expected to be released around first week of January (tentatively) that will allow the following option:

    Sharing worker resources between multiple indexer services
    You will be able to share your worker resources between multiple indexer services by configuring a service pool.

    Once the above SPS release becomes available on the support portal, look for the topic Configuring a service pool in the SPS Administration Guide.


  • Hi Leo,

    There is a new feature in upcoming SPS version 7.1.1 expected to be released around first week of January (tentatively) that will allow the following option:

    Sharing worker resources between multiple indexer services
    You will be able to share your worker resources between multiple indexer services by configuring a service pool.

    Once the above SPS release becomes available on the support portal, look for the topic Configuring a service pool in the SPS Administration Guide.


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