SPP connetion via LDAPS

Hello to everyone!

I`m trying to integrate SPP via LDAPS, but I am having some troubles. If I`m trying to write Service Account Distinguished Name regarding to documentation as CN=name,OU=name,DC=name,DC=name - the error is "cn is not a valid schema attribute for the Directory.SchemaProperties.UserProperties.UserNameAttribute schema mapping. I tried to write it as uid=name,OU=name,DC=name,DC=name, but then an error is "Failed to discover domains in directory 'name.name'. The reason [ldaps:\\network_address@name.name:port(Verify SSL)](LDAP error 49) The supplied credential is invalid. But these credentials are correct. And also I was able to configure the connection from SPS. 

Maybe someone knows what a problem can be here?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.


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