SPP connetion via LDAPS

Hello to everyone!

I`m trying to integrate SPP via LDAPS, but I am having some troubles. If I`m trying to write Service Account Distinguished Name regarding to documentation as CN=name,OU=name,DC=name,DC=name - the error is "cn is not a valid schema attribute for the Directory.SchemaProperties.UserProperties.UserNameAttribute schema mapping. I tried to write it as uid=name,OU=name,DC=name,DC=name, but then an error is "Failed to discover domains in directory 'name.name'. The reason [ldaps:\\network_address@name.name:port(Verify SSL)](LDAP error 49) The supplied credential is invalid. But these credentials are correct. And also I was able to configure the connection from SPS. 

Maybe someone knows what a problem can be here?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.


Parents Reply
  • Yes this was a limitation in SPP older than versions where Identity and authentication did not support SSL for Active Directory provider until the feature was recently added in SPP version 7.1

    Using LDAP option against AD would not work as its intended for other LDAP types that work with OpenLDAP.

    We recommend you to plan an upgrade to SPP 7.1 when possible as the older SPP versions' AD Provider will only work with port 389 for SPP login \ authentications.

    Apologies for any inconvenience with this issue.
