Problem joining SPS to SPP (Safeguard 7.0)


I have a problem joining SPS to SPP. In the web portal of SPS, if i try to join to SPP with the public IP address of SPP, SPS return me the error :

"spp_response": "Error sending request: SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/core/v3/Cluster/SessionModules (Caused by SSLError(CertificateError(\"hostname '' doesn't match either of 'SG-7c55fce7xxxx', ''\")))"

If i try to join SPP using the private IP address, SPS don't reach SPP and go on timeout error. I tried to modify the hosts file of SPS, adding the ip of SPP(both public and private),
but i can't resolve it.

Thank you,


  • Hi Samuele,

    Does the SPP Web SSL certificate has the IP address defined in the SAN or just the hostname?

    If only the hostname try with the using the FQDN instead of the IP to join the SPP


  • Hi,

    The SSL certificate is auto-generated from SPP, i tried to join SPP using both the ip address and the FQDN, but SPS continue to give me the same error. There are other things that i can try?

    Thank you,


  • SPS needs access to be able to access the private IP ( of SPP on port 443 

    Network communications between SPP and SPS

    - Ensure each SPP appliance will accept TCP/8649 and TCP/443 from all SPS appliances
    - Ensure each SPS appliance will accept TCP/8649 from all SPP appliances

    Telnet Tests

    From SPP, Settings | Diagnostics | Telnet enter the SPS IP and port number and test, you should see "Connection Succeeded."
    From SPS, Basic Settings | Troubleshooting | Connect to TCP port, enter SPP IP(s) and port number, connect, you should see "Connection established."
  • SPS needs access to be able to access the private IP ( of SPP on port 443 

    Network communications between SPP and SPS

    - Ensure each SPP appliance will accept TCP/8649 and TCP/443 from all SPS appliances
    - Ensure each SPS appliance will accept TCP/8649 from all SPP appliances

    Telnet Tests

    From SPP, Settings | Diagnostics | Telnet enter the SPS IP and port number and test, you should see "Connection Succeeded."
    From SPS, Basic Settings | Troubleshooting | Connect to TCP port, enter SPP IP(s) and port number, connect, you should see "Connection established."