Hi Everyone,

Without LTSC license can i initiate RDP and SSH sessions until LTSC license applied as shown in below image or it is mandatory ?? Thanks 


  • Hi,

    For SPP VMs (VMware or HyperV) there is a 90 day grace period which would allow you to use the SPP VM appliance before the Windows OS license is activated with a KMS or MAK key.

    If the Windows OS license is not activated before the 90 grace period ends, then the SPP VM appliance will go into a quarantine state and will not be accessible.

    In addition, you also need to install a SPP product license (.DLV) and SPS product license (.DLV) in versions 7.0 LTS and above in order to be able to use these products.


  • Hi,

    For SPP VMs (VMware or HyperV) there is a 90 day grace period which would allow you to use the SPP VM appliance before the Windows OS license is activated with a KMS or MAK key.

    If the Windows OS license is not activated before the 90 grace period ends, then the SPP VM appliance will go into a quarantine state and will not be accessible.

    In addition, you also need to install a SPP product license (.DLV) and SPS product license (.DLV) in versions 7.0 LTS and above in order to be able to use these products.

