Asset Discovery Requirements

Hello All,

Does Lunix Assets Discovery Job requires specific communication ports?

I tried to discover assets (While port 22 is open), but it fails

although i can add the same assets one by one successfully.

  • Hi Memad,

    What version of SPP are you currently running?

    Are you using Asset Discovery type as Directory or Network Scan?

    Asset discovery using Directory requires the LDAP port 389

    Network Scan Asset discovery, scans for the IP addresses on the network based on the IP range specified


  • For Network Scan and in DMZ. SPP has access to the DMZ network and can ping every single server. What other ports are necesary to perform a Network Scan and onboard the different SOs.


  • Hi Mamen,

    SPP uses nmap (, and depending on what options you chose while creating the discovery job, SPP may use the following nmap arguments:

    -sn for ping sweep (no port scanning)

    --max-retries 2

    --host-timeout 45s

    --min-hostgroup 64 

    -O for OS fingerprinting (if you enable OS detection)

    --top-ports 15 (Scans the 15 highest-ratio ports found in nmap-services file), for example the following TCP ports:

    FTP 21

    SSH 22

    Telnet 23

    SMTP 25

    Domain 53

    HTTP 80

    POP3 110

    MSRPC 135

    NetBios-ssn 139

    IMAP 143

    HTTPS 443

    Microsoft-ds 445

    mySql 3306

    ms-wbt-server 3389

    http-Proxy 8080
