upgrade SPS from 5.11

Is there a best practice or specific steps to upgrade from the old SPS version 5.11 to the latest one? Is it sufficient to perform a maximum of 3 steps at a time, or can I do it faster?

  • Hi Dario,

    The SPS upgrade path is allowed from 5.11 > 6.0.0 LTS > 7.0 LTS > Add new v7 License > The you can either further upgrade to (latest LTS version 7.0.2.x) or (latest Feature version 7.2.x) depending on which release branch you are looking to go to.

    General information:

    Supported direct upgrade paths to SPS 7.0 LTS from the following SPS versions:

    • SPS LTS 6.0.0
    • SPS LTS 6.0.11 and later
    • SPS Feature 6.11 and later
    • SPS Feature 6.9.4: Common Criteria certified version


  • Hello Tawfiq, sounds great! Thank you. Just the last and quick question about it: i will definitly follow that path and in the last step i think to do: 7.0 LTS --> 7.0.2 LTS (just because i would not to lose some changes made in the 7.0.2 LTS) and finally 7.2 (feature release). Does this make sense or is it ok also to do 7.0 LTS and then directly to 7.2 feature release?

  • Hi Dario,
    if you are looking to go to feature release then its ok to go directly from 7.0 LTS to 7.2 Feature

    fixes that are in 7.0.2 are already implemented in 7.2 as well.


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