SPP and Active Directory integration


Is it possible to display an alias of the domain name in the login screen of SPP instead of the real domain name?



  • Hi Daniele,

    If you are logging into SPP directly as a server provider initiated login, you could set an option via Core API to ForceAsDefault one of the authentication providers for example:

    Login to the SPP Core API:

    - Expand the AuthenticationProviders endpoint
    - Find the ID for the Authentication Provider
    GET ​/v4​/AuthenticationProviders > Gets a queryable list of authentication providers

    - Set the Authentication provider ID for your AD login for example as default:
    POST ​/v4​/AuthenticationProviders​/{id}​/ForceAsDefault

    The description from Swagger Core API below might get you closer to a seamless login:


    When ForceAsDefault is set to {true} on a provider, the login page will not display a drop down list of all available providers. Instead, the end user will be defaulted in to using the specified provider. Only one provider can be marked as the default at a time. When updating the specified provider, any previously set default will be cleared. <br>If a default provider is set and you need to log in using some other provider, like the Safeguard Local provider in order to log in as a local administrator user, a query string parameter can be appended to the login page URL, 'primaryProviderID', where the value is set to the 'RstsProviderId' you need. For example, "https://<safeguard>/RSTS/Login?response_type=token&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F<safeguard>%2F&primaryProviderID=local". You cannot set a provider that is used for two-factor authentication as the default.<br>This functionality is only applicable to web browser based logins, not programmatic API/OAuth2 logins.

