Web Application through RemoteApp


I am trying to configure a RemoteApp web application following this tutorial and I have configured everything as in the document except for that the {Target.AssetNetworkAddress} does not resolve to its corresponding value in SPP.

It just resolves to 


Is there something I am missing?

My configuration:

  1. SPS 7.0 linked with SPP 7.0
  2. RemoteApp Launcher 1.0.0
  3. Windows Server 2019 as RDP Host
  4. RemoteApp Publisher

The command line parameters in the RemoteApp Publisher are as follows:

--cmd "C:\sps.exe" --args "-url https://{Target.AssetNetworkAddress}/#{asset} -account {username} -password {password}"--enable-debug

I am adding the {asset} as the RemoteApp Launcher doesn't work without providing it. Also, I have compiled the sps.go version which has all other parameters hardcoded into the script.