Adding Asset

I was trying to add an asset in SPP and after supplying the necessary parameters needed I was getting the below error message and couldn't allow me to go further;

"Remote WMI query using service account failed. RPC server unavailable"

The firewall is not enabled and the RD connection is also allowed on the server.

Can anyone help with the solution? 

  • Hi,

    What version of SPP are you using please? Is this a VM or Hardware?

    Where do you see the error, is it after performing a Test connection on the Asset?

    Is this asset using a Hostname or IP for the connection tab > network address?

    If Hostname, is SPP able to resolve the hostname correctly by checking Appliance > Network Diagnostics > NSLookup tool

    Make sure DNS server is configured correctly in SPP under Appliance > Networking to be able to resolve the Asset's hostname.

    You can test WMI outside SPP using the service account that is connecting to the asset in Powershell:


    $cred = get-credential
    $process = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT Name FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" -namespace "root\cimv2" -computername ''
    $process | select name



  • Hi,

    What version of SPP are you using please? Is this a VM or Hardware?

    Where do you see the error, is it after performing a Test connection on the Asset?

    Is this asset using a Hostname or IP for the connection tab > network address?

    If Hostname, is SPP able to resolve the hostname correctly by checking Appliance > Network Diagnostics > NSLookup tool

    Make sure DNS server is configured correctly in SPP under Appliance > Networking to be able to resolve the Asset's hostname.

    You can test WMI outside SPP using the service account that is connecting to the asset in Powershell:


    $cred = get-credential
    $process = Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT Name FROM Win32_ComputerSystem" -namespace "root\cimv2" -computername ''
    $process | select name


