Moving SPP from VM to Azure Datastore

I have a client with 3 SPP appliances in their VMware setup, and they are looking to migrate to Azure. 

Their first question is whether or not they would be able to simply move the VMs to a datastore that lives in Azure, and if so what benefits that gives them.

If a simple lift and shift like that would not be feasible, what is the process for moving to Azure? Is it possible to take a backup of an on-prem VM and use that in the setup for an Azure appliance?

This is in the Federal space if that matters, so they won't have access to the Azure Marketplace.



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  • Hi Tawfiq,

    Thanks for the response. Do you know if there are any pitfalls for doing this in the Government sector? i.e. are there specific images or anything else that we would need to use?

    Also for deferring the "lift and shift" question, do you know who I could reach out to for that? Or would I need to make a ticket for that inquiry?



  • Hi Andrew

    My Safeguard lab runs on VMWare and I regularly copy images and move them to  between my ESX server and the VMWare Workstation on my laptop.

    I usually build a single stand-alone system then copy it twice to build a cluster. Just have to make sure that original is powered off before spinning up copy to avoid IP conflict.

    VMWare basically asks if I moved or copied and saying copied always works for me.

    Never tried to shift a VM to Azure though.

    So interest spiked a quick search found a MS vid. that talked about their Azure Migrate tool. 

    As ever with MS  this makes it look simple... It maybe but without knowing more about your exact requirements difficult to say. 

    If you have an Azure environment you can simulate what customer has should be a fairy simple test to setup.

    All the best
