How to add sub-domain AD serveur to SPP?? like svrAD.home.local and

I have mounted the 2 new HDD on the same horizontal compartment on the left (up and down).

I have switch on the SPS.

The 2 new HDD are blue led and the over 2 HDD that was red led are now red and blue led status.--- what does it mean ??

When trying after accessing this SPS through is MGMT port on -- no access.

cannot access it too on the previous set ip address

  • Hi Martial,

    The title of this post seems different than the question asked so I will try to answer both:

    1. How to add sub-domain AD server to SPP?? like svrAD.home.local and

    SPP can manage the whole forest using a single Active Directory Asset, therefore you would only need to add the root domain and click the option to manage the forest in order to include accounts from both Root and Child Subdomain (Although in your example these are named as separate domains rather than subdomains fyi).

    2. SPS had two hard disks replaced?

    If this is a 4 x hard disk appliance, then when two disks fail and get replaced then you will need to reinstall the ISO image to recover.

    RAID 5 would only allow recovery when only one disk fails.

    To reinstall the software, please refer to the installation guide here:


  • Hi Twafiq and hope you are doing fine.

    thanks a lot for all yiurf instructions.

    As have ever explained on previous podt we had 4 appliances (3 SPP and 1 SPS) with red led on the 4HDDs.

    after investigation we noticed that the RAID 5 system of their appliances had disk with unconfigured bad status.

    we just changed this status to unconfigured good and restart the appliances through the IPMI console of each.

    Now the SPS and 2 SPP are working fine but only one SPP cannot boot SPP software after rebooting with this error message"""reboot and select proper boot device'''

    when checking on the boot order we notice that had the UEFI windows boot loader is missing.

    What can we do.

    Where can I find supermicro server  instructuctions to solve this or any proccedure to do it??

  • Hi Martial,

    For SPP if the 3rd appliance is unable to boot then you may have to submit a service request to investigate if an RMA is required in this case.
