Asset Description Change


I am having SPP 7.0.0 with some configured assets. Whenever I try to change the asset description from the SPP web portal, it shows no error, but the asset description is not changed.

Hence, I am forced to remove the asset and re-add it with the new description.

Is there a solution for this problem?

  • Hi,

    Is this an asset that was added via Discovery from Active Directory by any chance?

    If so then the Description field is synced from the Computer Object in AD to SPP (One way) in that case.

    If you add an asset manually then it would have allowed saving the Description field.


  • Hi,

    Is this an asset that was added via Discovery from Active Directory by any chance?

    If so then the Description field is synced from the Computer Object in AD to SPP (One way) in that case.

    If you add an asset manually then it would have allowed saving the Description field.

