SNMP subscriptions

is there any documentation about the meaning of the SNMP subscription?

for example which is the meaning of these subscriptions:

- Managed Network Updated

- Managed Network Members Updated

- Network Diagnostics Test Run

- Network Interface Updated

thank you

  • Hi Dario,

    You can download the SNMP MIB file from the SPP appliance which includes the descriptions for all SNMP events as per the KB:

    Here are the descriptions of the events you mentioned from the SNMP MIB file:

    managedNetworkUpdatedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { safeguardEventLogUri }
    STATUS current
    "A managed network has been updated."
    ::= { safeguardEvents 6015 }

    managedNetworkMembersUpdatedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { safeguardEventLogUri }
    STATUS current
    "The cluster members assigned to a managed network have been updated."
    ::= { safeguardEvents 6033 }

    networkDiagnosticsTestRunEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { safeguardEventLogUri }
    STATUS current
    "A network diagnostics test was run on the Appliance."
    ::= { safeguardEvents 1042 }

    networkInterfaceUpdatedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    OBJECTS { safeguardEventLogUri }
    STATUS current
    "A network interface has been updated."
    ::= { safeguardEvents 1008 }


  • THAT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!! fantastic...!!!

    thank you sooo much!!!

    have a great time!

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