API to force AD sync and to do linked account

hello everybody, is there a way to use some specific API to force AD sync (from SPP in Identity and Authentication provider and "synchronize now") and which are the specific API that i can use.

Also is there an API that i can use to link the USER to the relative ADMIN account?

thank you so much

  • Hi Dario,

    1. Synchronize the Directory Provider using Swagger Core API:

    • Connect to Primary SPP using the URL: https://{SPP_IPorHostName}/service/core/swagger/
      • Authorize > Click Authorize Button > Authenticate to SPP using Admin equivalent credentials
      • You will need to get the Directory Provider ID first from GET/v4//IdentityProviders​
        • Then use the Directory Provider ID in the following endpoint:
          • Expand POST ​/v4​/IdentityProviders​/{id}​/Synchronize
            Click Try it Out
            Type the id
            Change fullSync drop down is set to True if you wish to sync all entities imported from this directory, otherwise, if false, it will sync just those that have been modified
            Click Execute

    2. API that you can use to link the USER to the relative ADMIN account

    • POST​/v4​/PolicyAccounts​/{id}​/LinkedUsers​/{operation}
      Add/Remove account linked users


    • POST​/v4​/Users​/{id}​/LinkedPolicyAccounts​/{operation}
      Add/Remove user linked accounts
