windows patches

A customer is asking me if there is a way to know which microsoft patch (KB) are included in which versions of SPP. In the specific if some KB are included in SPP version 7.4.0. Is there a repository where i can check it? I know that all the security patch about Microsoft are included in each firmware upgrade but i don't know which ones.

Thank you very much!

  • Hi Dario,

    You can get this information via the Appliance API using the endpoint (GET​/v4​/OperatingSystem):

    Go to: https://{SPP_IP_Address}/service/appliance/swagger

    - Click Authorize and login with an Admin equivalent user

    - Expand GET​/v4​/OperatingSystem

    - Click Try it Out

    - Click on Execute


  • Hi Dario,

    You can get this information via the Appliance API using the endpoint (GET​/v4​/OperatingSystem):

    Go to: https://{SPP_IP_Address}/service/appliance/swagger

    - Click Authorize and login with an Admin equivalent user

    - Expand GET​/v4​/OperatingSystem

    - Click Try it Out

    - Click on Execute

