local disk in RDP session

Is it only possible for certain servers to set up RDP so that it can share the local disk of the computer from which it connects?

  • Hi Tawfiq, 

    we did some tests by adding the DiskRedirect subchannel to the channel policy used in the connection policy.
    We expected to see in the RDP file the attribute of the type: drivestoredirect:s:C:\; or similar.
    We do not see any parameters related to the subchannel to map all the user's disks. So we cannot know whether the enabling of the subchannel "DiskRedirect" takes effect or is null and void.
    Is this an error?
    Is it possible to automatically map all of the user's disks when connecting in RDP? The customer wants to avoid having the user manually map all the necessary disks.

    Does it work like that in your lab environment?

  • The RDP file that the user downloads from SPP does not have that option enabled and this downloaded file overrides the local client machine default.rdp file settings.


    1. For SPP-initiated workflow
    - Edit the RDP file settings after each download to include the option (drivestoredirect:s:*), or copy and paste the username connection strings manually into the local RDP client \ mstsc.exe which will use the local RDP file settings instead in case you added and saved this option (drivestoredirect:s:*in the default.rdp file.

    2. You can use SCALUS for SPP-initiated workflow as well and customize the RDP template file used by SCALUS to include the option (drivestoredirect:s:*)

    3. If using SPS-initiated workflow then you may add the option (drivestoredirect:s:*) to local default.rdp file and use the local RDP client.
