Use 2 SPS of the cluster for specific networks?

Good afternoon,

In a cluster with several SPS we want user 2 of them only for connection to a specific network range.

In the SPP network management we can indicate the range of IP's that are only managed by those SPS but we do not know how to indicate that these SPS are not used in other connections.
By default all SPS are added in the "Default Managed network" of the SPP, so connections to other networks also go through those SPS that we want to be dedicated.

Is it possible to prevent any connection from entering a specific SPS except for the subnet we want? The Default Managed network cannot be edited.

We had also analyzed removing those SPS from the cluster and setting up a second cluster, but as indicated in another forum message, it seems that the SPS cannot be removed from the cluster after adding them.

Thank you

Ismael SM

  • Hi,

    You can accomplish this by adding all the network subnets \ IP ranges in Custom Managed networks so that you can assign the dedicated SPS nodes for each: 

    Custom Managed Network subnets #1 > SPS 1 

    Custom Managed Network subnets #2 > SPS 2

    Custom Managed Network subnets #3 > SPS 3

    As long as all subnets are specified then when the target asset matches one of the custom managed network subnets then it will use only the SPS node assigned to that managed network that way the Default Managed networks will not be used as long as a subnet is specified for all the target assets.

    Only if the IP of target asset does not belong to any of the custom managed networks then it would fall back to the Default Managed network.
