Unable to find forest root 'domain.com'

Whenever i try to take some action for some user it receive the message 

Unable to find forest root 'domain.com' [ldap://controller_fqdn:389] (LDAP error 49) The supplied credential is invalid.

So my question is which credential is it talking about is it the one under  SPP > APPLIANCE MANGEMENT > SAFEGUARD ACCESS > IDENTITY AND AUTHENTICATION > AD 

  • Yes that is correct, I would check if Account password is valid specified under SPP > Appliance Management > Safeguard Access > Identity and authentication > Active Directory provider.

    If this same account is also listed under the Active Directory Assets (SPP > Asset Management > Asset > Active Directory Asset > Accounts tab > find the account if its listed here and update the password in this by using Set password and then perform a check password to verify its correct.

    Updating the password via the AD Asset > Account tab is the correct way if the account is listed in that account list.
