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2024 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Identity Governance and Administration

2024 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Identity Governance and Administration

The identity governance and administration (IGA) market is growing, and although at a mature stage, it continues to evolve in the areas of intelligence and automation. While some organizations are still considering replacements for UAP, ILM, or IAG, most are choosing comprehensive IGA solutions to address risks stemming from inefficient access governance. This Leadership Compass provides an overview and insights into the IGA market, serving as a compass to help you find the products that can meet the criteria necessary for successful IGA deployments.

See why One Identity Manager was named an Overall, Product, Innovation and Market Leader, with strengths including:

  • Comprehensive support for all major identity lifecycle management capabilities
  • Compatibility with all major deployment models
  • Utilization of AI and machine learning for role discovery and access recommendations
  • Extensive range of out-of-the-box connectors for on-premises environments
  • Robust analytics support, enhanced by machine learning
  • Effective workflow automation features
  • Well-defined access review and certification features, incorporating risk scores
  • Complete functionality available via APIs
  • Advanced access intelligence capabilities
2024 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass for Identity Governance and Administration

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