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Just in time Provisioning: protect your business from the inside out

Just in time Provisioning: protect your business from the inside out
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Nov. 17, 2022
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Just in time Provisioning: protect your business from the inside out

Employees come and go, systems and applications require provisioning, and laptops seem to walk away all too often. A provisioning delay can put your business at risk with all this going on. You need privileges assigned or decommissioned as soon as permissions need to change. 

Please look at this webcast to find out how One Identity Active Roles just-in-time provisioning for Safeguard allows you to add accounts in Active Directory to the appropriate security group (including password and session requests) as soon as they have been approved in Safeguard. 

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