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[KuppingerCole Videocast] What are PAM, JiT, and Zero Trust? Navigating the PAM Buzz Word Quagmire

[KuppingerCole Videocast] What are PAM, JiT, and Zero Trust? Navigating the PAM Buzz Word Quagmire
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Oct. 26, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
[KuppingerCole Videocast] What are PAM, JiT, and Zero Trust? Navigating the PAM Buzz Word Quagmire

Privileged accounts are prime targets for security attacks. Watch this videocast to see a couple of knowledgeable IT pros - deciphering and adding perspective to the ever-evolving jargon and buzzwords of privileged access management (PAM) as it relates to Active Directory and getting your organization on the path to securing and managing privileged accounts. 

Hear Martin Kuppinger, founder and principal analyst of KuppingerCole, and Robert Byrne, One Identity field strategist, simplify the meanings of PAM vocabulary and clarify why each concept is important in an end-to-end strategy for Privileged Security for AD. 


Martin Kuppinger, Principal Analyst, KuppingerCole

Robert Byrne, Field Strategist, One Identity

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