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One Identity TechTalk: Active Roles overview: Hybrid Active Directory Management and the new features in 7.4

One Identity TechTalk: Active Roles overview: Hybrid Active Directory Management and the new features in 7.4
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Jan. 21, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
One Identity TechTalk: Active Roles overview: Hybrid Active Directory Management and the new features in 7.4
Active Directory is ubiquitous and Azure AD is quickly gaining ground. The IAM challenges surrounding the hybrid AD environment are many and varied and difficult to address with native tools and manual processes. It becomes even more challenging when other Cloud-based Systems are added to the mix.

This session will introduce One Identity Active Roles and its automation, workflow, and security capabilities for AD and AAD. 

Was Sie lernen werden

  • How to extend those features to support more cloud-based applications, offer group self-service capabilities, access certification, two-factor authentication, and more
  • Real world examples that demonstrate how Active Roles is used in different customer scenarios, where it paves the way for accelerating IAM objectives for AD, Azure AD, Office 365, and other Cloud applications
  • New features of Active Roles added in Version 7.4, glimpse into the future developments


  • Frederic Courtois - Principal Solution Architect
  • David Miles - Sr. Product Manager

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