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The relationship between authorization and delegation in the identity world

Relationship between authorization and delegation in the Identity World
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Aug. 8, 2024
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Relationship between authorization and delegation in the Identity World

Authorization? Delegation? Everyone knows these are crucial aspects of digital security – but what exactly makes them so important? 

Join industry experts in this on-demand webinar to learn the pivotal relationship between authorization and delegation within the dynamics of identity management. Gain insights into various authorization models, such as role-based access control (RBAC) and attribute-based access control (ABAC) and: 

  • Examine how authorization and delegation create a balanced and flexible security framework 
  • Review best practices for different authorization models 
  • Discover effective integration strategies through delegation mechanisms 


  • Alan Radford, Global IAM Strategist, One Identity 
  • Vipin Jain, Product Management - Active Roles, One Identity 

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