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Howard County, MD - County government protects critical services

If an account is accidentally deprovisioned, we can use Active Roles to bring it back — with all the same permissions — in just two clicks, one to locate the account and one to re-provision it. This one tool saves us hours of work.

Terrance Diggs, Service Desk Manager, Howard County

Howard County, Maryland, provides a wide range of services to its 300,000 residents. Behind the scenes, a small IT team was challenged by native tools as they tried to ensure that systems and data were available and accessible to exactly the right people. The county now relies on a set of solutions from One Identity and Quest, which enable accurate and efficient account provisioning, Group Policy administration, change auditing, disaster recovery, and more — while saving the IT team hours of work.

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Active Roles
Active Roles

Active Roles est un outil d’administration AD unifié qui sécurise les environnements hybrides et plus encore.