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Lost in the Red Forest? How Active Roles Helps Customers

Lost in the Red Forest? How Active Roles Helps Customers
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Sept. 21, 2023
  • Événement:a la demande
Lost in the Red Forest? How Active Roles Helps Customers

Learn how to migrate from Microsoft Enhanced Security Admin Environment (ESEA – Red Forest) architecture which is using Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) for management to Active Roles.

Red Forest has been a quite complex architecture to secure a multi-forest environment which is managed using Microsoft Identity Manager. Microsoft Identity Manager Service Pack 2 is announced EOL for 2026 and also Microsoft’s ESEA recommendation has changed. Going forward the Shadow Principal Permissions handled by MIM can no longer fully be managed including approval workflows. Therefore, companies are looking at easier ways to secure and manage their Microsoft on-premises and Cloud environments.


  • Mr. Reto Bachmann - Senior Principal Solution Architect | One Identity
  • Raul Dopazo - Solutions Architect | One Identity

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