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10 Steps to enhance the agility, security and performance of Active Directory

10 Steps to enhance the agility, security and performance of Active Directory

Maintaining Active Directory (AD) in a clean, organized and secure state is a challenge, particularly for user accounts. Learn 10 steps you can take to enhance the agility, security, and performance of Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. This process is key to efficiency, security and compliance. We will take you through each step, demonstrate why it’s important and what it will enable your team to do faster and more securely. 

In this white paper, you will learn the 10 simple steps and see how you can: 

  • Clean up AD account data 
  • Automate and secure tasks  
  • Ensure that authorization, approval and certification processes are followed 
  • Better Together: One Identity and Microsoft Active Directory
10 Steps to enhance the agility, security and performance of Active Directory

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