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Protecting citizens’ data — and their trust

Protecting citizens’ data — and their trust
POST Luxembourg meets multi-industry security regulations 08:28
POST Luxembourg improves security and triples efficiency with One Identity Manager for continuous delivery of telecommunications, banking and postal services.
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As a government-managed telecommunications, financial services and postal provider, POST Luxembourg must meet multi-industry security regulations, and stay efficient and agile.
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We decreased the manual activities of the IAM team by threefold with Identity Manager, so now we spend more time meeting the needs of the business and providing value, which is great for everyone.

René Drabo, Identity and Access Management team member, POST Luxembourg


With the help of IAM Experts, POST deployed One Identity Manager to better protect against modern security threats and ensure consistent access-management controls as it adopts cloud services.


  • Grants basic system access in minutes vs. hours.
  • Triples operational efficiency.
  • Improves staff experience and IT security.
  • Simplifies regulatory compliance.

La historia

Telecommunications, banking and postal services are the backbone of modern society. Luxembourg’s citizens depend on POST Luxembourg for continuous delivery of all three of these critical offerings, and they also trust that POST will protect their data. So when POST saw that its existing identity and access management (IAM) tools could not easily meet its long-term requirements, it sought a new solution.

After months of testing leading IAM technologies with third-party partner IAM Experts, POST chose One Identity Manager. “We can be ready for the future with One Identity Manager,” explains René Drabo, identity and access management team member at POST Luxembourg. “In our tests of available solutions, we found that Identity Manager performs the best and provides the most out-of-the-box tools including connectors.”

After defining 5,000 identities and standardizing access privileges for its 4,690 employees and contractors, POST also established centralized access controls over its core systems including SAP and its service management system, ServiceNow. Thuy Cory, strategic account director at IAM Experts, says, “We enabled deep integration between Identity Manager and ServiceNow so that POST can use Identity Manager as a single pane of glass to onboard third parties and manage end users’ access requests.”

Better data protection and easier regulatory compliance

By using Identity Manager to consolidate and standardize identities, and system access and IAM insights, POST has improved security and simplified regulatory compliance. “We’ve always had strong IAM processes, but we wanted to be able to move faster,” says Drabo. “With Identity Manager, we use automated or semi-automated processes to consistently manage system access, and we can instantly see who has access to what.” Application owners can also view the detailed IAM information they need to meet requirements and mitigate risk, including any new application users on any given day, and how they gained access.

Threefold increase in operational efficiency benefits everyone

Employee experience has improved since POST deployed Identity Manager. Today, rather than waiting hours or longer to be able to log in to the systems needed for work, new employees and contractors can obtain basic system access privileges in minutes. If they need to use additional systems, they simply request access from a menu in Identity Manager. Automated workflows then help quickly procure access and certifications as needed, based on the users’ roles and POST’s IAM requirements.

Day-to-day work is also more rewarding for IAM team members because they’re no longer managing a list of system access requests each day. “We decreased the manual activities of the IAM team by threefold with Identity Manager, so now we spend more time meeting the needs of the business and providing value, which is great for everyone,” says Drabo.

Ready for the future

By improving IAM controls, insights and automation capabilities, POST has the flexibility and agility it requires for advancing its goals including the adoption of cloud services. “Identity Manager is the tool we really needed for our long-term journey,” Drabo says. “Because it’s easy to configure, we can continue to deliver the services our customers want — in a way that protects their trust.”

Finally! Identity management software that is driven by business needs, not IT capabilities