Pull a value out of policy or enforce a policy on one user.

My goal is to look at the policy applied to an object and pull a value the policy would set.

Specifically, I'd like to pull homePath and homeDirectory out of the Home Folder and AutoProvisioning Policy applied to a user object.

This looks close to what I'm trying to do. Not sure what ]$PolicyRule is supposed to be in this situation, is it the name of the policy?

# ExecutePolicyRule
# This function generates a value in accordance with a PVG generation rule
# Parameters
# $PolicyRule - string with PVG geneartion rule
# $Request - the Request object. Please see ARS SDK for details about this
# object
# Return value
# String with generated value
# Remarks
# This function is applicable to onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify,
# onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues event handlers.
function ExecutePolicyRule ([string]$PolicyRule , $Request)
$value = $PolicyRule
$rex = [regex]'(?:%<(?<name>.+?)>)'
$neededAttributes = $rex.Matches($PolicyRule) | %{ $_.Groups['name'].Value }
$neededAttributes | %{ $value = $value -replace ('%<' + $_ + '>'),(GetActualAttribute $_ $Request) }
return $value
} #-- ExecuteGenerationRule

I would also be OK with an enforce policy option.

  • Perhaps you can share a bit more about your use case?

    Also, how well do you understand the concept of the Active Roles event handlers mentioned above:

    onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues

    The names are pretty self-explanatory except for the last one - that event is fired both when you click Save/Finish and also Next when moving pages in a wizard (example:  user creation).

    To answer your question about the Policy Rule - that would be the name of the individual rule residing within a Provisioning Policy object.

  • Perhaps you can share a bit more about your use case?

    Also, how well do you understand the concept of the Active Roles event handlers mentioned above:

    onPreCreate, onPostCreate, onPreModify, onPostModify, and onCheckPropertyValues

    The names are pretty self-explanatory except for the last one - that event is fired both when you click Save/Finish and also Next when moving pages in a wizard (example:  user creation).

    To answer your question about the Policy Rule - that would be the name of the individual rule residing within a Provisioning Policy object.

  • I have worked with policy scripts using the event handlers. For this one I'd planned to use onPostUnDeprovision.

    I have ~60 agencies each with its own provisioning policy. I want to populate homePath and homeDirectory on an undeprovision if homeDirectory is $null. 

    I'm doing this with a hard-coded path for one of these agencies now, but I'd rather if the script could pull the value out of policy. This way there aren't multiple places that need to be updated when things change.

    function onPostUnDeprovision($Request)

    Connect-QADService -proxy localhost

    $user = get-qaduser $Request.GUID -IncludedProperties homeDirectory

    $homeDirectory = "\\servername\path\" + $user.SamAccountName

    if ($user.homeDirectory -eq $null){set-qaduser $Request.GUID -HomeDrive H: -HomeDirectory $homeDirectory}


  • Ah so you want to find out what the home directory property should be for the un-deprovisioned users who don't have one set at un-deprovision time.

    So what you could do is trigger from onPreUnDeprovision handler to see if the homedirectory is being set.  You can trap this using the IsAttributeModified function as Terrance suggested and then you would need to find out what the value should be and inject this into your in-process $Request.  That's where the reading of the homedirectory policy object for the object OU comes into play.

    I think you might be able to do something like this:

    $PossibleHomeDirs = $Request.GetEffectivePolicyInfo('homedirectory',3)

    # '3' above is the integer representation of EDS_EPI_UI_POSSIBLE_VALUES which reads back the possible values for the attribute per the effective policy rule

    What's not clear to me is whether you can call the GetEffectivePolicyInfo just like this in your onPreUnDeprovision or if you have to do it within an OnGetEffectivePolicy handler.