• Workflow plicy not running


    We have a pilocy workflow which is due to run after a new user object is created, but it is not.

    The workflow is a simple one ot send an email, but it should only run when the "Custom Attribute 3" of the new user is set to "DCs".…

  • Policy User Logon Name: Compound name

    In Spain it is very common to have compound names, for example: Maria Del Carmen.
    I am looking for how to create the samaccountname as follows:
    Maria (Attribute 1)
    Del Carmen (Attribute 2)
    Perez (Attribute 3)
    First letter of attribute 1 + First letter…

  • Name and description policy for pre-create Computer object

    I'm trying to create a policy which requires the following two conditions to be met in order for a computer object to be created:

    1. The name must be prefixed with the first six characters of the containing ou (ou name=LA0001PES)

    2. The description…

  • Set account expires in provisioning


    I have Administration Policy for provisioning users, I want to limit the users to 365 days (expiration date) as a default.

    and if the Help Desk (who opens the user) wants to change it to less than a year they will have the ability -  but again only…

  • How do I access attribute 'Member' on a Group in a Policy Script that is triggered on postCreate

    I trigger a policy script from a policy object set to handle changes from dirsync.

    the operation is limited to Computer objects, in a specific OU, that have a set prefix.

    the $Request  contains the following.  It does not include the 'Member' value -…

  • Pull a value out of policy or enforce a policy on one user.

    My goal is to look at the policy applied to an object and pull a value the policy would set.

    Specifically, I'd like to pull homePath and homeDirectory out of the Home Folder and AutoProvisioning Policy applied to a user object.

    This looks close to…

  • Prompt for value during user deprovision


    While deprovisioning user object I would like to prompt to enter custom virtual attribute value.

    Can anyone please let me know how can it will achieved, do I've to do any level customization Active Roles Console for prompting or any policy helps…

  • How to Copy user and create in different Domain with workflow[ or policy.

    Our ARS manages both Dev and Prod. We get requests for users to be created in Dev domain which has to have the same FirstName,LastName,SamAccountName and a few other attributes as PROD. How would I create a process for Admins to search the Prod user name…

  • Policies Managed By for Group

    Hello all,

    Has anyone put in a policy to restrict a group from being used on the managed by for a group?

    We have a certain set of groups that require to be managed by a user only.

    Tried validation policy on the 'ManagedBy' must not be %<objectClass>group…

  • Override Policies when changing last name

    We have several policies in place when creating a user object.

    Now if someone tries to change the lastname of such a user (mostly due to marriage), we get the error that it is not possible to do so due to a conflict with several policies.

    Is it possible…

  • Need a way to not delete an account that is marked for litigation hold

    Hello Community,


    I'm trying to find a way that i can incorporate into my standard Deprovision Policy explained below.

    Corp deprovisioning policy for users.
    Disable Account
    Sets Password Random
    Group membership – Remove!
    Exchange Mailbox – disable…