Managed unit not getting results, find with same criteria does.


We have a virtual attribute which is a Date format and there is currently one user with a value in this.

I have created an MU to get users where this attribute is over 60 days ago, but there are no results, either in Preview Rule or clicking the MU. 

If I do a find in AR on the AD, using either the picker, or the Z format date (20240322000000.0Z) the user is found fine and if I get the MU criteria and then use Get-QADUser using this as the ldapfilter, I get the same reuslts as the AD find.


Does anyone know why this might be, am I missing something with the MU?



  • Hi Matt

    Could you confirm the VA's  syntax? Could you also confirm the value of the date set against Melaine's account (IE is it set to the exact same value you're search for?), and also what version of Active Roles you're using?

    Using the generalized data format above, I can set a membership rule using the date format you're using. 

    If you create the MU manually (for testing), and define the date using the select box, do you get different results?

    Kind regards


  • Hi  

    Thanks for the reply. I'm new to AR so I'm not sure how to get the exact version we're running, About Console says version, would that be right?

    The VA's details are   

    The value in Melanie's account is  

    And if I use the selecter to pick the date in the MU, I get the same empty results 


  • Matt,

    I have a very similar attribute with same generalizedtime syntax.

    I was able to make a MU just fine using this formatting as a quick test

    Also just incase the expected users are deprovisioned make sure you also add to the MU: Retain Deprovisioned Objects

  • I could kiss you right now  

    Adding the retain deprovisioned is exactly what I needed for the MU to work.

    Thank you

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