• Managed unit not getting results, find with same criteria does.


    We have a virtual attribute which is a Date format and there is currently one user with a value in this.

    I have created an MU to get users where this attribute is over 60 days ago, but there are no results, either in Preview Rule or clicking the MU…

  • Managed Unit view only

    Hi all,

    I am relatively new to ARS and tried to set up a MU with explicit permission to some groups, this worked well and I have added the specific group with builtin "Managed Units View" and "Group - Read all Properties" access.

  • Update description field on a managed unit fail


    In the Helpdesk site I have created custom form with access to the description attribute and linked this to the directory object type of a Managed Unit. I have also created a user account with limited permissions in ARS but enough to allow changes…

  • Is it possible to generate a Managed Unit on the fly based on a users department or site code?


    Is it possible to generate a Managed Unit on the fly based on a users department or site code?

    Client has large number of AD user accounts, wants to limit the view and modification to only users in same department or site code.

    I was looking…