• Pass OperationReason control to a workflow when triggered from a PS script?

    Hello, we are triggering an on-demand workflow from a Powershell script using Set-QADObject but we need to record the request reference number as the OperationReason in the workflows activity operation so if someone checks the users change history the…

  • Help in creating dynamic group using powershell using Include group members

    Does anyone have an example of a PowerShell script of creating a dynamic group based upon the "Include by group membership" & "Include Explicit" rules? I'm able to setup groups using the Include by query rule.

    FYI, I tried…

  • Query regarding script to recheck attribute using a workflow

    Hi everyone

    I'm hoping for some assistance with a script I'm working on.  I have a script that checks for a user having an Office licence which then sets a custom attribute edsvaRemoteMailboxCreation to true, which triggers another workflow to…

  • onPostModify Is there a way to retrieve a list of all attributes that were NOT modified?

    When I modify a user object, I want my script to do certain validations.. to set my AD account category (virtual attribute). Account categorization is set according to certain attribute values (let's say Givenname, title and department).

    On PreModify…

  • How do I query for AD groups which were created or updated yesterday?


    I'm trying to work out how I can query/filter AD groups which were created or updated yesterday? The below works as intended for created groups but I can't find anything that allows me to query for updated date? The below is part of a larger script…

  • How to check if an account is licenced after backsync following update to 8.1.3


    I've recently updated to 8.1.3 and I'm having trouble with one of the custom scripts since it uses a newer version of powershell.  We have a hybrid setup and when we create users we aren't creating a mailbox.  Instead Exchange online is…

  • Howto: Prefill an attribute value based on another attribute (prior to clicking on [Apply])

    When creating/editing a user object in Active Roles, I would like to be able to generate (let's say) the PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName attribute according to the value entered in the Description attribute. I don't want this to occur AFTER I click on [Apply…

  • Can't Access Saved Object Properties from Script / Counter Returns Empty


    We're trying to create a workflow that counts every time a user enables or disables another user every day (workflow trigger is the modifivation of edsaAccountIsDisabled). (the counter resets every day.) If the counter reaches 20, the action requires…

  • Use workflow script to modify Azure attribute of removed member (disabling)

    Good morning

    I am a beginner in ARS Workflows....

    I have a use case where an account which is synched from AD on-Premise to Azure is disabled on premise and must be immediately disabled on Azure without waiting for next the AAD synch run.

    i know how to…

  • Can Active Roles take advantage of PowerShell version 7?

    I was writing some code and it worked fine on my desktop. However, when I imported it into active roles, there were portions not functioning appropriately.

    Turns out I was testing my code in PowerShell 7. As far as I can tell, Active Roles uses version…

  • Can Active Roles perform WMI queries


    I'm working on a way to filter devices based on their type (laptop, tablet, desktop) to move them into a corresponding OU.  I've done this before using the parent OU or name but in my new situation all devices will be in one big OU to start so…

  • Group Owner lookup tool

    I have form that I am using with an attribute that is a DN syntax for Group Owner lookup. The user can go into the search tool for DN syntax attributes and search for objects.

    The form type is a new object with class of Group. So far it's the only way…

  • Remove a list users from a list of groups

    Hey everyone, 
    I am new to the community and new to Active Roles. 
    I have been able to create a couple of scripts for bulk add/remove users and groups, but am having issues with creating a script to launch that will remove a list of users (CSV) from a list…

  • Synchronization service powershell write to datetime attribute error


    I have been trying to script getting a datetime from MS Graph and output this to a virtual attribute (configured as general time) in Active Roles, but every time I receive the same error, no matter what I do:

    "The string was not recognized as…

  • Get Users of Dynamic Groups

    I have a dynamic group called F_AllManagers. It is made up of multiple dynamic groups. I need to get a list of the actual users from the multiple dynamic groups that make up the F_AllManagers. How can this be done in Quest Powershell?

  • workflow trigger not an Active Roles operation


    I'm using Active Roles 7.5 and I'm looking for assistance on creating a workflow (on demand or automated) where the trigger isn't initiated within an Active Roles operation.  We have our computers sorted into Operating system and type…

  • Exchange Online Management module not loading in Active Roles

    I'm unable to connect to Exchange Online Management module from the Active roles.

    I've used 'O365 script execution configuration' in the Active Roles Workflow.

    Do let me know if you need more information around this.


  • Generating a unique CN and UPN Prefix

    I'm trying to write a script that will check the build the Uniqueness value of the cn attribute and then set the UPNPrefix (edsaUPNPrefix) attribute to the CN. I understand that the normal way is just to set a uniqueness value at the end of the SAM…

  • Change Workflow not triggering in OnPostUndoDeprovision


    I've created a change workflow when 'Account Is Disabled' attribute changes, then the workflow sets an user created Virtual attribute. But in OnPostUndoDerovision of an user account workflow trigger is not happening, usually when undo deprovision…

  • LastloginTimestamp attribute - undo deprovision scenario


    We are having problem that layout below.

    1. If user passes 120 days based on lastlogintimestamp attribute and once passed deprovisioning the user using a daily script.
    2. Later point of time if we want the user back then we are doing undo deprovision…
  • 'Parsing WS-Trust response failed' error_Connecting to Azure from PowerShell


    I'm seeing below error when I connect Azure AD. Using 'Connect-AzureAD -Credential $credObj' from PowerShell ISE.

    Could anyone please help me here.

    Connect-AzureAD : One or more errors occurred.: parsing_wstrust_response_failed: Parsing…

  • Restore Event for Delete Objects container


    Do we have any event for restore deleted object? When I click on the restore option on right click of an object in the deleted objects container, event should trigger the event.



  • Powershell list all dynamic groups with its membership rules?

    Hi All. is there a powershell cmdlet or a script  that lets me list all dynamic groups together with the Membership rules? 

  • Update AD users employeenumber based on csv file

    I am currently using a workflow to update from field EmployeeID to EmployeeNumber.  Basically I am adding a letter in front of the employeeID to create employeeNumber.

    Ex. employeeID "123456" become employeeNumber "A123456"

    it working…

  • Set the edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate attribute value in powershell

    I've a requirement to set the edsvaDeprovisionDeletionDate attribute value with future datetime using powershell code and its GeneralizedTime datatype. So I'm unable to set the value to the attribute using powershell. Could anyone please help me to…