• Mail notification for bulk accounts expiration

    Hello everyone,

    I'm looking to set up a monthly email notification system for managers, informing them about users whose accounts are set to expire in the upcoming month.

    Currently, I have a process in place for individual email notifications, with…

  • email notification not working in approval by primary owner workflow

    I am testing the built-in Approval by Primary Owner workflow and the request\approval process is working as expected. I enabled the email notification in the Approval rule. However, notification didn't seem to be sending out (not seeing it from the mail…

  • Dynamic from email address in a workflow?

    Hi guys,

    Right now we have some new hire and departure workflows set up on a per-user basis, as HR wants the emails to come from them, rather than an HR alias. I was wondering if it's possible to have the from address in a workflow be dynamic based on…