• Managed unit not getting results, find with same criteria does.


    We have a virtual attribute which is a Date format and there is currently one user with a value in this.

    I have created an MU to get users where this attribute is over 60 days ago, but there are no results, either in Preview Rule or clicking the MU…

  • Managed Unit not showing nested group members


    We have created Managed Unit with membership rule ' Include Group Members'  and used it to apply policy. It seems like it is applying policy to Users who are direct members of the group but not to Users who are members of the nested groups.…

  • Is it possible to link a workflow to a managed unit so that it only acts on objects in the managed unit?

    I have a manged unit that contains users that have not yet been synchronized to the O365 cloud. This based on a query of attributes 'vapso_associationstrguid_mailbox', 'vapso_cloudsyncstatus', 'vapso_cloudupdaterequired' & 'edsvaFirstEmailAddressUpdatedWorkday…

  • Using Managed Units outside of Active Roles

    Has anyone come up with a way to use Managed Units outside of Active Roles?  I have a customer that would like to setup some Managed Units so that when they are setting permissions on SharePoint sites, the admin does not search the entire AD, but just…

  • Create Managed Units and link Access Templates to Managed Unit by script or PowerShell


    I have a very large client with a very flat AD structure, would it be possible to script the creation of Managed Units and link Access templates to the Managed Units?

    Also is there any recommendations about the number of managed units to have…

  • Delegating rights to edit Managed Units

    Is this even possible.  I've tried all the access templates and none appear to allow editing of a managed unit membership rules.  I can delegate the right to create a Managed Unit Container but unless you can then create a managed unit it's pointless…

  • Inactive users Managed unit

    I would like to create a managed unit to find Inactive users, I know there is a workflow that can search inactive users.  I was thinking a managed unit with a custom search but not sure.