• Alert email from Group Change Alert is empty sometimes

    It's been happening intermittently that the Report.html file on the Group Change alert email is being delivered empty.

    The changes are being captured on the Change History but eventually a Group Owner will get the attached report empty.

    First thought…

  • Error: Could not load 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.JwtSecurityToken' when Connecting to MsOnline Session in Active Roles

    Hello Everyone,

    I am encountering an issue when trying to connect to an MsOnline session using the Connect-MsolService cmdlet within Active Roles.
    If I run the following command separately in a standard PowerShell session, it works as expected:


  • Passing user object to script in workflow


    I'm trying to get a workflow to run which will update extensionAttribute7 of a user object when it's been added to a group, based on the users job title.
    e.g. Joe Bloggs gets added to the group, his title is IT, EA7 needs to be set to "03452…

  • Passing user object to script in workflow


    I'm trying to get a workflow to run which will update extensionAttribute7 of a user object when it's been added to a group, based on the users job title.
    e.g. Joe Bloggs gets added to the group, his title is IT, EA7 needs to be set to "03452…

  • Updating user attribute from workflow using script lookup


    I'm trying to get a workflow to run which will update extensionAttribute7 of a user object when it's been added to a group based on the job title.

    e.g. Joe Bloggs gets added to the group, his titlle is IT, EA7 needs to be set to "03452"…

  • Hiding function names in the "Function To Run" dropdown in an Automation Workflow

    I found something interesting that I wanted to share.

    I was writing a script module and, using good coding practices, I broke it out into several functions.

    This worked, and was fine, but when I went to configure it in an Active Roles Automation Workflow…

  • Workflow plicy not running


    We have a pilocy workflow which is due to run after a new user object is created, but it is not.

    The workflow is a simple one ot send an email, but it should only run when the "Custom Attribute 3" of the new user is set to "DCs".…

  • Query regarding script to recheck attribute using a workflow

    Hi everyone

    I'm hoping for some assistance with a script I'm working on.  I have a script that checks for a user having an Office licence which then sets a custom attribute edsvaRemoteMailboxCreation to true, which triggers another workflow to…

  • Workflow and get attributes than the changed attribute


    I have this script in a workflow where the trigger is changed attribute extensionattribute1 OR physicaldeliveryoffice. Thing is that When one of these attributes change, the worklow is launche but  the script only can get the changed attributte…

  • setting MFA during account creation


    Another custom script query following the one I had the other week.  We've got a script that switches on MFA to have SMS as the default but doesn't set a number.  We do this as a measure to prevent people who haven't had MFA set up having their…

  • Need to get Deprovision Report sent to user who initiated the action or else be able to get record of changes made

    The Deprovision User has the ability to email a report to a user specified in the Policy.  I like the report that is generated and would like to be able to have it sent to the person initiating the deprovision so that they can attach it to the service…

  • Can't Access Saved Object Properties from Script / Counter Returns Empty


    We're trying to create a workflow that counts every time a user enables or disables another user every day (workflow trigger is the modifivation of edsaAccountIsDisabled). (the counter resets every day.) If the counter reaches 20, the action requires…

  • Use workflow script to modify Azure attribute of removed member (disabling)

    Good morning

    I am a beginner in ARS Workflows....

    I have a use case where an account which is synched from AD on-Premise to Azure is disabled on premise and must be immediately disabled on Azure without waiting for next the AAD synch run.

    i know how to…

  • Can Active Roles perform WMI queries


    I'm working on a way to filter devices based on their type (laptop, tablet, desktop) to move them into a corresponding OU.  I've done this before using the parent OU or name but in my new situation all devices will be in one big OU to start so…

  • group membership approval workflow request question

    I am trying to setup the approval by primary owner workflow for group membership change. However, it didn't seem to work and I am hoping to get some help here. This is a new AR 7.4.3 setup without too much customization. 

    What I did

    Defined the primary…

  • How to execute worfklow per operation?



    My goal is to limit the number of members added to a group, for example: I have a group with 4 members, and I set a limitation value of 5 (the value is set in extension attribute 1)

    I created a workflow with the operation: “add member to group…

  • Is there a way to add/remove users from groups using csv file?

    I have a process to add/remove users from groups everyday.  I currently use Dovestone's AD Bulk Users.  It's cumbersome to manage and has limitations.   I'd rather use Active Roles instead if possible.

    I tried the Synchronization tool, but haven…

  • Set-QADUser failing with variable??

    I have this script in a workflow and this line fails when I use a variable

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype = $UserEmpType}

    If I put text it works fine.

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype…