• In a workflow, pass attributes of new object to a script

    Another newbie question, I am trying to do something seemingly simple but I'm racking my brain and had enough of scrolling the SDK (why is it in a format from the 90's?)

    Essentially, I have a WF which creates a new user object, I need to pass…

  • Working with Attributes from $Request

    I'm trying to get information from $Request variable in Active Roles.

    When a user edits/changes attributes on their user account via the ARWebSelfService web portal, it triggers a workflow which performs a number of checks on the data and includes…

  • Can't Access Saved Object Properties from Script / Counter Returns Empty


    We're trying to create a workflow that counts every time a user enables or disables another user every day (workflow trigger is the modifivation of edsaAccountIsDisabled). (the counter resets every day.) If the counter reaches 20, the action requires…

  • Workflows with if-then, PowerShell scripts, and $work.SavedObjectProperies


    I am working on a workflow to do some automation on our computer objects, and I am running into a weird issue that I am struggling to wrap my head around.

    The error I am receive:

    Executing the 'Run script: DEV New Computer Object Tag Location on…

  • How to execute worfklow per operation?



    My goal is to limit the number of members added to a group, for example: I have a group with 4 members, and I set a limitation value of 5 (the value is set in extension attribute 1)

    I created a workflow with the operation: “add member to group…

  • Set-QADUser failing with variable??

    I have this script in a workflow and this line fails when I use a variable

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype = $UserEmpType}

    If I put text it works fine.

    set-Qaduser -identity agntest\$usr -ObjectAttributes @{employeetype…

  • Create multi-functional button within ARS Web



    I am trying to create a new button within ARS web. 

    This button would need to , Expire the user account. Disable the account, Change the password and also write a description, 

    Is there anyway to do this or would we need to create a new script for…

  • Use workflow script to modify attribute of removed member

    I have a need to modify an attribute whenever a user is removed from a group. Stored in every users extensionattribute5 are values like this   1024adm;1025adm;1969adm;1429adm;


    We have matching groups for each of those values.   What I would like is that…