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Sending a Welcome E-mail Notification to New User 16 Business Hours After Provisioning

Good afternoon! I'm hoping someone can assist with wrapping my mind around the best solution to this.


When a user is provisioned into the target system (AD), it takes up to several hours for the hosted exchange mailbox to provision. For this reason, we'd like to:

  • Wait 16 business hours before automatically sending the new user their Welcome E-mail.
  • Avoid sending the welcome e-mail on a weekend.


Possible Solutions

I've thought through a couple of solutions, but given my limited experience with OIM, I believe there may be a better way of doing this. The possible solutions I've considered are listed below:

  • Process with Delayed SendRichMail Process Step
    • I was thinking this could be possible, but I'm unsure how I would calculate business hours and how I would prevent this from going out on the weekend.
    • I'm uneasy at the thought of leaving an delayed process in our job queue for over a day.
  • Scheduled Process 
    • A process with a SendRichMail Process Step that is scheduled to run every weekday (unsure of how I would define weekdays).
    • I would create a custom boolean column in ADSAccount for Welcome E-mail Sent.
    • The final process step in the process would make Welcome E-mail Sent = TRUE.
    • The generating condition on the entire process would restrict it to only apply when Welcome E-mail Sent i= false and the ADSAccount Create Date is over 2 days before today.


  • I fear I'm either over-complicating this, or may not be thinking of the most efficient/effective way of accomplishing this. Is there a better or OOB method to doing this?
  • If either method above is recommend, what how would I go about defining weekdays, and how would I go about configuring it?


Thank you in advance for your time!

  • Hello Victoria

    I prefer the second approach. Picking out just weekdays should be possible, I think if you select your occurrence as weekly then you can pick the days you want in the repeat every option.

    Tie this schedule to a process plan which selects objects based on your where clause and raises an event which will then trigger the process to send the email.

  • I would also recommend the second approach, with slight modification.

    Your process should run based on the insert event in your exchange mail box table, assuming Exchange is synchronized and the mailbox creation source is within Identity Manager; so that the table is updated immediately, not at the next synchronization window. If your synchronization happens on a convenient schedule (such as every business day) then this would work well.

    If exchange isn’t synchronized, or the creation logic is executed outside of Identity Manager, then have the process execute based on a schedule as you noted. The process should have a step to check if the mailbox is created, and update the custom column accordingly. Take a look at the process automation in the process orchestration section of Designer. Here you can create a process plan for systematically raising an event (creating a schedule for that event to be raised). In the SQL condition you can make the condition not equal to Saturday/Sunday, perhaps using: SELECT DATENAME(dw,GETDATE())

    Hope this gets you started in the right direction.
  • This is great! Thank you. We do not have exchange synchronized since we use a third party host for exchange, however your explanation for raising the event and idea on how to exclude the weekends is incredibly helpful. I will be work on creating this entire process.

    Thank you!