• Schedules are not working in version 8.0


    we have observed that schedules are not working in version 8.0. One of the OOTB schedules ''Calculate risk indexes" which should run every minute is not working even if it is enabled. Can you please guide on what should I check to resolve this issue…

  • what would be the best way to remove all the ads group membership after seven days of termination

    Hi Experts 

    I have a requirement to remove all the ADS groups membership assigned outside of Identity Manager after seven days of termination. 

    I also need to move the OU and put in a archive group at the same time. What is the best possible way I can accomplish…

  • History DB: Import Process information directly


    I installed corresponding to our documentation a History DB. The History DB is installed on the same server and uses the same DB User like the Identity Manager DB. If I start the schedule "Import process information directly" in the History DB Designer…

  • Sending a Welcome E-mail Notification to New User 16 Business Hours After Provisioning

    Good afternoon! I'm hoping someone can assist with wrapping my mind around the best solution to this.


    When a user is provisioned into the target system (AD), it takes up to several hours for the hosted exchange mailbox to provision. For…