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Sending a Welcome E-mail Notification to New User 16 Business Hours After Provisioning

Good afternoon! I'm hoping someone can assist with wrapping my mind around the best solution to this.


When a user is provisioned into the target system (AD), it takes up to several hours for the hosted exchange mailbox to provision. For this reason, we'd like to:

  • Wait 16 business hours before automatically sending the new user their Welcome E-mail.
  • Avoid sending the welcome e-mail on a weekend.


Possible Solutions

I've thought through a couple of solutions, but given my limited experience with OIM, I believe there may be a better way of doing this. The possible solutions I've considered are listed below:

  • Process with Delayed SendRichMail Process Step
    • I was thinking this could be possible, but I'm unsure how I would calculate business hours and how I would prevent this from going out on the weekend.
    • I'm uneasy at the thought of leaving an delayed process in our job queue for over a day.
  • Scheduled Process 
    • A process with a SendRichMail Process Step that is scheduled to run every weekday (unsure of how I would define weekdays).
    • I would create a custom boolean column in ADSAccount for Welcome E-mail Sent.
    • The final process step in the process would make Welcome E-mail Sent = TRUE.
    • The generating condition on the entire process would restrict it to only apply when Welcome E-mail Sent i= false and the ADSAccount Create Date is over 2 days before today.


  • I fear I'm either over-complicating this, or may not be thinking of the most efficient/effective way of accomplishing this. Is there a better or OOB method to doing this?
  • If either method above is recommend, what how would I go about defining weekdays, and how would I go about configuring it?


Thank you in advance for your time!

  • This is great! Thank you. We do not have exchange synchronized since we use a third party host for exchange, however your explanation for raising the event and idea on how to exclude the weekends is incredibly helpful. I will be work on creating this entire process.

    Thank you!
  • This is great! Thank you. We do not have exchange synchronized since we use a third party host for exchange, however your explanation for raising the event and idea on how to exclude the weekends is incredibly helpful. I will be work on creating this entire process.

    Thank you!
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