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Weekly Scheduled Report for ADSAccount Disabled by Identity Manager

I've been looking at report editor, and while I'm familiar with building reports, I can't seem to figure out how I build a report based on changes (account disabled) that occurred during a specific date range.


  • A report that includes all ADSAccounts that were disabled within the last week
  • The report will be scheduled to run weekly


  • I'm unsure if this would be required, but our professional services contractor did not implement History DB.


Any push in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  • Hi

    The History DB is not required for that. What you have to check is, if the property watch for the appropriate columns is enabled. You can do that within the Designer:

    Changes (old values) that will be done are saved in the tables DialogWatchOperation and DialogWatchProperty. So, use these tables as data sources for your report Definition.

    Hope this will help you a Little bit.


  • Hi

    The History DB is not required for that. What you have to check is, if the property watch for the appropriate columns is enabled. You can do that within the Designer:

    Changes (old values) that will be done are saved in the tables DialogWatchOperation and DialogWatchProperty. So, use these tables as data sources for your report Definition.

    Hope this will help you a Little bit.


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